Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Here is how I spent a portion of my 70th Birthday :
Friday, February 12, 2021
Friday, August 18, 2017
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Gonna have to update the FAITH. In light of all the turmoil with all the Islamic souls who seek the world's salvation by means which are, to say the least questionable, it is time to reflect on my own faith.This may take time........notes on the Last Post-Modern Church of the
These are guiding tenets of the LPMCAE (some but not all)
Tenet 1) If Anyone believes exactly as I do then one of us must be wrong.
2) Nothing is sacred, but Chocolate is close.
3) Evangelization is really frowned upon.
4) Frowning upon things is frowned upon.
5) Rule making is encouraged.
6) Breaking rules is also encouraged.
7) Ignoring rules is probably best.
8) Dues are to be paid if anyone feels like it.
9) Meetings should never last longer than a decent meal or
football game.
10) Lou Linfante will make all the rules until somebody thinks they
want to too.
11) Membership is strictly limited to people who can either read or
understand what has been read to them, unless they are confused. In that
event they may ask for admittance. A committee of at least one person, in
that event must decide if an exception to the "literacy rule" will be
12) Dogma is pretty fluid.
13) It just doesn't matter. (Stolen from Bill Murray's character
in the movie "Meatballs")
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
There are three tiny Cayennes. Aren't they cute? The reddish building in the background is where we keep the tractors and most other garden stuff.
It's a picture of what I hope will be Bell peppers. For those of you who don't know all peppers start out green no matter what color they turn at maturity.
I'll hold off on pictures for a while until I get some more mature fruit. I am so encouraged by what's out so far.
Pretty fun stuff so far even though I spent a ton of time weeding today. The weeds are still winning anyhow. It can't be said enough that Farmers are deserving of all the praise that can be heaped their way.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
First One
Hey, I should have noticed it earlier but above right is a picture of
my first Pepper. You may have to zoom in but it's directly opposite from the
Blossom towards the center of the plant. That, dear followers is a Cayenne.
Restrain your enthusiasm. Cayennes are pretty much weeds. I don't say that
because they are a nuisance but Cayennes are easily the heartiest veggie I've
ever attempted to grow. If this critter is any indicator the Cayenne crop should
come out pretty nicely.
Sad to say the picture on the left is an Habanero. I don't know how to put a Tilden over the "n" in Habanero so I'll do me best to give you the phonetic pronunciation. "ah/ ban/ YER/ o" Now aren't we the little polyglots? Linguistics aside I am well aware that the little plant is in some jeopardy of being over run by weeds. Believe it or not I've been doing a ton of weeding. Clearly not enough but I'll keep at it. Just to keep all one of my follower current the Habaneros are late bloomers and are fiercely hot. They thrive in the tropics. Not as hot as the Bhut Jolokias but they pack a pretty nasty punch. The Bhut Jolokias are the seriously nasty ones. Believe it or not the Indians use an extract of the Bhut Jolokia as a pepper spray that is reputed to be the equivalent of a TAZER. They don't do the same thing to a person but the incapacitating effects of each are said to be similar. I know this may not be necessary but the Indians to which I referred are the Asian type.My daughter tells me that she has a few Roma tomatoes on the vine. Now that's early for them. In my experince even Romas don't jump out until July. Pretty sweet, huh? Roma tomatoes are the ones that are best for sauce. A couple of seasons ago we harvested more than two trash bags full. No exaggeration. We had sauce until very early spring. That was from 8 plants. I put a dozen Romas in this year. We'll see.