Friday, May 14, 2010

The Adventure Begins

Strictly speaking the Adventure began on Tuesday, May 11, MMX, when I bought the peppers. I plan to chronicle the whole thing in earnest this weekend when I plant the crop. I bought a variety of peppers ranging on the Scoville Unit Scale* from mild to fiercely hot. I bought varieties ranging from sweet peppers to the fiercely hot Bhut Jolokia. During this experiment there will be a complete list of the specific varieties with photos and as much info as I can find to accompany. Also the specific handling of the entire garden will accompany in order that I learn what works and what has gone wrong or should be avoided in the future. To borrow a phrase from Emperors and tax collectors, " Let the games begin."

*Scoville Heat Unit scale. The Scoville Organoleptic Test quantifies a pepper's heat according to the punch it packs in terms of capsaicin. Simply put capsaicin is what makes 'em hot. The more the hotter. Just so you know there are other tests for hotness which use Chromatograpy, whatever the hell that is, but we like Wilbur. Oops, I forgot to note that Wilbur Scoville is our guy's whole name and his test dates to 1912.

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