Saturday, June 12, 2010


Shoot, Dear followers, tomorrow I'll post a few shots of the peppers. The crop is doin mighty nicely. Perhaps I should post a video of my weeding. Nahh. It'd be the stuff of censorship. No. It'd be the stuff of, "Lock this B up and the key need not be found." Saint Rose of Lima tossed herself into thorn bushes. I could have offered her suffering. The bugs are beyond nasty. Now, to those who have either sunbathed, weeded or similarly spent time in the sun in a specific place for a time I gotta ask, 'How the F do the bugs know how to get to the exact same place?' Not kidding. A Fly can be shooed but a fly-- one must allow that it is not necessarily the same fly-- and a fly goes to the exact same location...... Yo, Rosie, wanna weed my Pepper Patch? That'll give you an entre into the Hereafter.** Forgive my digression.

Ya weed. Ya water. If any of it turns out ok then you won. There have been glorious harvests out of that tawdry garden. Kick ass peppers. Hottest peppers I've ever tasted. That said the least fiery peppers I've ever grown came out of that same soil last year. Go Figure.

***Um, while I am a practicing Catholic I find it supremely difficult to imagine that the Almighty thinks that Flagellants or those who otherwise MORTIFY the flesh are doing the work of the Almighty. St. Rose of Lima (Peru) tossed herself into thorn Bushes. I wanna go to Heaven. That kind of self torture I find Pretty Sick. Does this mean Rosie ain't in Heaven? She may be. But Islamist bad folk think that sending their kiddies into a market to blow themselves, and any number of perhaps faithful Muslims along the way... Shame on any who want the almighty to encourage suffering. Shoot, kiddies, the Almighty is ALMIGHTY. That genderless entity don't f'n need suffering, sacrifice or any level of malevolence. Hey, I'm just thinkin. Mass at 7:00 AM